The Conversation for Case Managers


The Conversation

The conversation is a collaboration between case managers, persons served, advocates, and providers to explore how using technology can increase independence and safety of the individual supported.

The role of a case manager during these initial conversations is to ensure the person’s needs are being appropriately considered, their questions and concerns are able to be voiced, and that state requirements are met. This may include initiating the conversation, helping individuals and family members raise questions, discussing potential service options that are available and appropriate for the individual, and connecting individuals and families with providers of the desired services. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure the individual and their family members/advocates understand the technology and realize the full impact it can have on increasing independence and quality of life.

The conversation should conclude with everyone being on the same page.

Keys to a successful conversation

Bring your knowledge of the person served

  • What do you already know about the person and how this will appeal to them?
  • What does the person want? Is this different than what the team wants?
  • What is their “techy” knowledge and ability?
  • What areas of the person’s life do they strive to be more independent in?
  • What community preferences do they have–what is important to them?

Start with the person not the technology

  • Do they want to move to or remain in their own home?
  • How can technology help meet needs previously handled solely by direct care staff, and what does the transition look like?
  • What are caregivers currently doing that may be supplemented by technology?

Actively seek answers

  • What will the technology do versus what will it not do?
  • What are the chances of a system going down?
  • How quick are the response times?
  • What happens in emergency situations?
  • What concerns and fears does the person(s) and/or caregiver(s) have regarding the use of technology as a support option?
  • What technology options are available from different providers?

Conversation Starters

Many service providers and technology service vendors employ “assessment” tools to begin and guide conversations. Using questions such as those above and others refined to align with their specific conversation needs, they are able to more finely tune outcomes and recommend options. Though not required by regulators, these tools may act as useful guides when beginning the conversation phase. View examples of assessments.

Next Steps

If you have additional question about the conversation, ask one of our Mentors. Once initial conversations have been had with all stakeholders, the next step can begin by creating a plan tailored to the individual.

Begin planning


Assessments for remote monitoring—and technology in general—help teams ask the right questions to identify goals and outcomes technology may assist with. Most technology service vendors and many service providers have their own assessment process to help fine tune outcomes and recommend specific tool options.

New legislation goes into effect on August 1, 2017, requiring technology supports be discussed as part of all 45-day planning meetings for people with disabilities. These meetings establish the needs of the individual receiving services, their personal goals, and the supportive services necessary to meet these objectives.

The DHS Olmstead Plan outlines several key goals that must be accomplished to ensure people with disabilities are living, learning, working, and enjoying life in the most integrated setting possible.

The first video training course, “Technology 101: The Conversation,” guides providers, support staff, case managers, and families through the steps necessary to have thoughtful, shared conversations regarding the addition and use of technology in care plans.

An exploration of technology support options began when a group of men with developmental disabilities expressed their desires for increased privacy and independence.

This assessment was created by the State of Ohio to specifically assist in the process of including remote monitoring technology as part of an individual’s care plan.

This document was created to support initial conversations related to using technology supports for people served by Hammer Residences, Inc. Hammer staff utilize this document after an initial general consultation and is intended to describe the individual’s functional skills and abilities concerning the need for technology as a support as well as outline possible solutions and future outcome documentation.