The Funding for Case Managers


The Funding

Case managers are ultimately responsible for authorizing the type and amount of waiver services or any other government funded equipment and/or services. Determining the person’s eligibility for different funding and technology supports/services is the same as for any other support.

Waiver Eligible Technology

Case managers should reach out to coworkers, supervisors, providers, and technology vendors to learn more about the process. Specific questions surrounding rate codes that should/could apply may be directed to the DSD Response Center where regional resource specialists can offer guidance. Private consultants who work with technology supports and funding on a daily basis are also great resources. For monitoring technology availability, authorization and/or funding, refer to the DHS Monitoring Technology Policy.

Living Situations/Support Options

Below are common living situations and support options that determine the level of funding as well as the specific types of service the waiver may be applied to based on varying rate frameworks. In certain situations, it is the case manager’s responsibility to secure the necessary funding, while other times providers may take the lead.


  1. Remote Support/Supervision: Residential Services

    The person served is living in provider controlled housing such as Community Residential Services (CRS), or foster care.
    In this scenario, funding is issued through the DWRS Rate Framework as remote monitoring or monitoring technology hours of supervision and is generally secured and managed by the provider. The case manager’s role is to support the plan and to develop, approve, and submit the CSSP along with the required monitoring technology documentation.
    Learn more about Disability Waiver Rate System rate frameworks


  2. Remote Support/Supervision: Person in Own Home

    The person served may be receiving varying degrees of supports while living in his/her own home (not living in provider controlled housing).
    Case managers will secure funding and coordinate services with the technology vendor(s), natural supports, and service provider.
    Learn more about 24-hour emergency assistance coverage and eligibility
    Learn more about technology install, on-going management, and support for environmental accessibility adaptations


  3. CDCS - Consumer Directed Community Supports

    CDCS are available to people on the home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers and Alternative Care (AC) program. CDCS may include traditional services and goods, and self-designed services.
    In this scenario, case managers provide support to the primary caregiver/service coordinator in securing and monitoring funding.
    Learn more about CDCS options


  4. Assistive Technology

    Assistive technology includes supports that help with communication, environmental manipulation, and integration into the community.
    In some cases the case manager may be the primary caregiver of the individual. In this instance, the case manager would be responsible for securing funding. The primary caregiver may also be family, other natural support, or a professional service provider. In this later case, the case manager is responsible to assist the primary caregiver(s) in identifying the person’s need, securing necessary assessments and referrals, and funding.
    Learn more about coverage for assistive technology

Alternative Funding Options - No Waiver

There are alternative funding options available if the person served is not eligible for a waiver or is on a wait list. Options include:

  • Provider Investment
  • Medicaid
  • Private Pay
  • Private Funding Resources
    • STAR - Short and long-term loaner devices and exchange
    • EquipALife - Grants/Micro Loans/Lending

Next Steps

Once the proper funding channels have been procured, the team will make the move to implementation which will include installing the equipment, training, and testing.

Implement technology

Still have additional question about Funding? Ask one of our Mentors.


After having the initial conversation about technology supports and then making a plan to implement that technology, individuals, families, providers, and case managers often find themselves at odds with forms and paperwork. This at best slows down the whole process and at worst can halt it completely. Never fear, we’ll take you through the process and help you get your projects back on track.

The Arc Minnesota asks, “How could $500 change your life?”. The Minnesota Microgrant Partnership offers grants from $100 to $2000 with the average awarded value between $700-$800. Grants can be used for employment, housing, or community integration for people with disabilities.

There are numerous funding streams that providers and service recipients can use to support
technology use.

While the state of Minnesota boasts one of the richest, most comprehensive funding structures for technology, there continue to be areas in which funding is not available. Lack of formal funding should not deter providers from considering to invest their own dollars in certain solutions which make sense to help improve an organization’s ability to encourage independence of the people we support as well as helping an organization become more effective.

As people served were expressing a stronger desire to be more independent, Dungarvin staff thought through scenarios on how to navigate both the independence desire and how they would provide services in the future. Technology was their answer.

When deciding to implement a new support strategy it is important to run a cost analysis to fully plan out the business case for your organization. A sample cost analysis has been created below that can be used to help analyze anticipated costs and revenue when going from on-site sleep to alternative overnight supervision.

Technology 101: The Funding walks students through the funding phase of the technology implementation process, including how to identify the different types of funding solution in Minnesota and determine the best funding options based on the person’s needs, goals, and environment