ARRM Workforce Solutions Technology Committee Resolution

Thursday, June 1, 2017 - 14:32

Approved by ARRM Board of Directors on March 22, 2016

WHEREAS, the Olmstead Decision and the CMS Final Rule clearly require full community integration and employment first opportunities as top priorities for people with disabilities served through the HCBS Waivers; and

WHEREAS, to achieve Olmstead and CMS expectations with today’s limited workforce and financial resources, ARRM members and their support team partners must utilize all available tools in supporting vulnerable individuals, including paid direct support professionals, natural supports and technology to their maximum effect; and

WHEREAS, ARRM members are facing a workforce crisis with no end in sight, and maximizing the use of technology to relieve some on-site staffing demand is a critical part of the solution; and

WHEREAS, at the December 2015 ARRM Board of Directors meeting 100% of provider Board members in attendance reported inability or reduced ability to accept new business/services with staffing issues as a critical cause; and

WHEREAS, ARRM has spent four years identifying technology resources and tools, bringing those to ARRM members through showcases, conferences, Board and committee discussions to encourage the incorporation of technology and help members prepare for the future, with only minimal effect on the actual number of members using technology; and

WHEREAS, when service providers, county staff, families and advocates worked together to incorporate today’s technology and innovative service options, a few individual counties have diverted individuals from traditional group living settings to full community integrated environments, reducing staff dependence as individuals’ skills and confidence grow; and

WHEREAS, the vast majority of Minnesota counties and ARRM members still only offer traditional staffed service options and ARRM members continue to report that, despite their efforts to incorporate more innovation, they have been unsuccessful due to barriers from county, family and other support team members due to lack of knowledge, fears, and/or general resistance to change; and

WHEREAS, the ARRM Board of Directors adapted a 2016 Work Plan on December 17, 2015 that includes

  • “ARRM shall incorporate a technology funding request into the 2017 legislative agenda or use as a reform leverage for a rate increase”
  • “ARRM shall develop and implement a peer-to-peer plan by November 2016”
  • “The Workforce Solutions Committee shall partner with the Technology Subcommittee to develop educational materials on technology for use with family members and state/county staff and others in 2016;” and

WHEREAS, the usual and customary resources of volunteer member time, ARRM staff time and financial resources available to ARRM Work Group or full Committees to purchase tools and/or services are insufficient to achieve the objectives set out for the Joint Workforce Solutions and Technology Subcommittee (a.k.a., Work Group) and as addressed in this document; therefore be it:

RESOLVED, a broader, farther reaching effort is required to enable ARRM members to fully take advantage of currently available technology, service models and funding options to sustain and grow their organizations and support individuals in achieving full community integration and employment; and be it

RESOLVED, ARRM shall endeavor to develop or secure broad reaching educational tools/resources and person centered planning tools which incorporate technology for use by ARRM, its members and other service system partners, to educate and move/reform the service system; and be it

RESOLVED, ARRM will, to the extent possible, partner with other entities in the service system spectrum such as MSSA, MACSSA, MICA, Arc, DHS and MOHR, to develop and disseminate these materials and resources with the intent of expanding the use of currently available innovative technology, service options and funding throughout the entire state of Minnesota, enabling access to all individuals and provider agencies; and be it

RESOLVED, the final work product of this endeavor is anticipated to include case studies of various Minnesota individuals who have succeeded in achieving greater community integration and independence via the use of technology, new service models and funding options currently available; and be it

RESOLVED, the case studies must be compelling and reflective of individuals with diverse needs and living settings and also be easily accessible and widely distributed using a variety of mediums, including print and video, to include associated cost of services to educate on available options and identify specific resources to achieve results and provide information about barriers that were overcome and the processes used that helped individuals/teams achieve a successful result; and be it

RESOLVED, person centered planning tools will include new questions to ask and resources to consider that help support teams look at and identify the best solutions from the array of currently available options to support individuals including paid direct support professionals, natural supports, use of technology and other natural community resources; and be it

RESOLVED, achieving the outcomes set out for the Work Group and identified in this resolution by the end of 2016 will require support from most if not all ARRM’s standing committees, the ARRM Board of Directors, time and energy of ARRM staff, and additional resources such as professional consultants in media development and public relations; and be it

RESOLVED, by adopting this resolution the ARRM Board of Directors authorizes the Workforce Solutions Committee, Technology Subcommittee and the Work Group to design and begin implementing this resolution with the understanding that resources not currently in the budget or allocated for this particular project will need to be approved by the ARRM Board or Executive Committee prior to the expenditure.




Technology First aims to promote and expand access to technology supports for people with disabilities to assist in maximizing control over their daily lives, and to look first to assistive technologies when creating or modifying care plans. 

The ARRM Technology Initiative began in 2016 with the intention of seriously moving the needle on the adoption of supportive technologies for people with disabilit